Dojo Etiquette

Aikido is a martial art and, while it ‘defensive’ rather than ‘aggressive’, its techniques are potentially dangerous unless practised with care and consideration. Students must at all times follow the directions of the instructor and must do everything possible to avoid injury to themselves or to others.

Practising Safely

Students must:

  • never execute techniques in a reckless or dangerous manner
  • avoid practising in any way that inflicts unnecessary pain on others
  • make every attempt to avoid injury to themselves or others
  • never practise when under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs
  • keep finger nails and toenails cut short
  • remove jewellery such as rings and earrings which could cause injury during practice
  • if you have any medical problems, report these to the instructor
  • if anyone is injured during practice, report this to the instructor immediately
  • if you feel pain or are nervous about practising a technique, report this to instructor
  • if any gaps open up between mats, stop practising and inform the instructor

Dojo Conduct

Students must always show respect for other students and the instructor when in the dojo. In particular, students must:

  • always follow the instructions of the instructor
  • never use abusive language when in the dojo
  • arrive in time and assist in laying the mats for practice
  • ensure hands and feet are clean before stepping onto the mat
  • wear sandals or slippers which are left at the side of the mat during practice
  • only step onto the mat when barefoot

Dojo Etiquette

When practising Aikido, students should attempt to show respect for the art of Aikido, for the dojo, the instructor and other students. In particular, please follow these guidelines:

  • Perform small bow when entering or leaving the dojo
  • Bow to your partner before beginning practice and after ending practice
  • Bow to your instructor at the start and end of each lesson
  • If students are practising, wait at the side of the mat until instructor invites you onto the mat
  • When instructor claps hands, cease practising immediately
  • When practising, refer to your instructor as ‘Sensei’